Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Family Pictures

I have to blog about my new pictures of my family that I posted. I know I am speaking for every mom in the world when I say how ridiculous it is to take family pictures. And I am extremely cheap, so this year I talked my beautiful, glorious friend Laura into taking our pictures with the bribe that I will take hers. Neither one of us know much about photography, but she has a really high end camera so how hard could it be right? WRONG! There's a lot more to it than I realized. But, for the most part we both did pretty darn good. (P.S. Laura took the individual pictures of my kids at the cabin this summer and they are posted on my blog , nice eh?) This season we decided to take the pictures at the family farm which has some really fun barn backgrounds. Now, if I could get my kids and hubby to put on a great smile for all of them I would be set. If we were allowed to pick our blessings from Heavenly Father, I would certainly pick to have a really perfect family picture. Alas, we do not get to pick our blessings so I will settle for near perfect. Thank you so much Laura for your time and effort. I appreciate you so much!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I just got your Christmas card today, so very, very cute! I love the background. So sorry I missed you when you where in town. One of these times we got to make it work! Merry Christmas. Jamie